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Eloy Rodriguez

Lead Designer @ Roche

11.01.24 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

I'm burned out on being a designer!

11.01.24 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

Being a designer is fantastic. We are very passionate about what we do and use our creativity to develop solutions through human-centered methodologies.

However, not everything is perfect. We must explain our role daily. We face challenges in very inefficient working environments. We have to educate our stakeholders. Our design methodology is often misunderstood, or ignored. Our Design System is broken, if we have one. Design, Business, and Engineering don't have a clear alignment... Do these sentences sound familiar?

In this session, we will talk with Eloy Rodriguez, Lead Designer at Roche, about how we need to adapt our mindset as designers to a constantly changing work world.

  • Product Design is changing. We will argue that design could be a better function and that we must work closer than ever with business and engineering.
  • We will also challenge many mantras we have adopted as designers, like methodologies and working methods.
  • We will talk about how the company, culture, and team behaviors impact the life of a designer, often generating frustration 

Let’s share and talk frankly to give visibility about the less fun part of our industry. 

Eloy Rodriguez is a Lead Designer at Roche Diagnostics. Today he is collaborating in building a global and digital healthcare platform for labs, healthcare centers, and patients under the navify® brand. 

He has extensive experience in Digital Product Design and Design Leadership, having worked in various industries such as banking, healthcare, HR, cybersecurity, and retail. Some of the companies he has worked for include BBVA, Factorial HR, Inditex, Telefonica, IKEA and McCann. 

Eloy has led, grown, and upskilled high-potential design teams in product-led environments. He has led the DesignOps of the Roche Diabetes Care division, and has collaborated in the creation of 3 different Design Systems throughout his career.

In addition to his work, Eloy shares his knowledge and passion for Design as a teacher and lecturer at The Hero Camp and Elisava University.

He has a pragmatic view of the Design discipline. He suggests that we should avoid over-structuring our processes, refrain from becoming too academic, and not forget the importance of the “craft” as a driver of our work. 



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