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Juan Useche

Product Designer @ N26

25.05.23 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

Demystifying the Culture of Innovation: Insights from Berlin's Startups

25.05.23 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

In today's fast-paced business world, innovation is a critical factor for achieving success. However, let's be candid; establishing a culture of innovation can be a daunting challenge. Whether you are a part of an established organization or a startup, defining this ambiguous term can be difficult.

Let us, therefore, delve into how we can transform the concept of a culture of innovation from a tedious topic into something more tangible. In this talk, we will explore frameworks, concepts, myths, and real-world examples to offer guidance and enhance your confidence when discussing this topic with others.

We'll also share experiences and learnings from working in fast-paced startups, specifically in Berlin, from companies such as Juniqe and N26.

The talk is given by Juan Sebastian, a Colombian Designer currently residing in Berlin. Juan's background is in Industrial Design, but he has had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects and wear many hats throughout his career, working as Design Thinking Facilitator, Service Designer, Branding Designer, Packaging Designer, and even a Toy Designer at one point.

Juan has an academic background in Strategic Design and has always been curious, which is why he has worked in a variety of industries, including healthcare, e-commerce, social innovation, entertainment, advertising, entrepreneurship, and fintech. He believes in questioning the status quo and pushing boundaries, which is why he strives to make design as tangible and impactful as possible.

In conclusion, is a passionate designer who is always seeking to create a positive impact on society. We look forward to seeing you there!



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