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José Torre

Senior Staff Designer @ Shopify

27.04.23 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

Designer, why so serious?

27.04.23 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

As designers, you most likely choose your career because of your love for creativity and storytelling. Today, designers are increasingly asked to quantify and measure every decision, to have strong business acumen and carry huge ethical responsibility.

Through all of that, you may be wondering, where is there space for the creativity and passion that ignited your love for design?

In this talk, José will share how he’s injected joy into highly complex domains, like automation tooling, and how he’s used creative storytelling to shift perceptions around design systems.

He’ll tell us how having pride in your work, and having fun, can help you design better products and gain notoriety in a large organization.Beyond that, he will show us small ways to inject joy in the things you do, and share some tips to avoid burnout and making sure you find time to have fun at work and fall in love with your job again.

Since 2006, José has been fortunate enough to say that he is paid to do what he loves: solving problems with design. After spending some years in the UK, the Netherlands, and Canada, he returned to his home country of Portugal, where he works on one of the most well-known design system teams in the world, Shopify Polaris.

In his spare time, he likes to reflect on his work by writing, drawing, and creating anything that can help him share his experiences. He believes that sharing knowledge is the key to personal growth.



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