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Roberto Domínguez

Senior User Research Manager @ Cabify

28.04.22 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

User Research at Cabify, a Quantitative Research Perspective

28.04.22 (19H ES - 15H AR) | LINKEDIN LIVE

(This talk was given in Spanish) How does Cabify approach quantitative research? What are their objectives? What type of projects do they undertake? Who utilizes their reports, and what strategic value do they hold?

These are some of the questions we will answer in the upcoming GIF, complementing Judith Gómez Pardo's previous talk on how Cabify approaches User Research. In this installment, we will delve into the quantitative aspect.

Roberto holds a degree in Market Research and Techniques from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a diploma in Statistics from the Complutense University of Madrid.

In 2001, he began his professional career at Gallup Spain. Over the last 21 years, he has worked for various market research institutes as a Quantitative Research Technician and Head of the Statistics Department. In 2019, he joined Cabify as a Senior User Researcher to establish the quantitative research department.



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